Monday, February 18, 2008

Tagged by Marge.....

I've been tagged!!!!! I'm not sure if I have answers to goes:

5 places I'd like to see some day:

1. Heaven

2. Italy

3. Greece

4. See.....I'm already drawing a blank!!!!

5. ???????

Places I'd like to see again:

1. Jamaica

2. Black Mountain

3. Sunset Beach

4. Key West

5. ???????

I'm sure I'll think of some other places, but that's as good as it gets for now.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Signs of Spring

There are signs of spring all over the place here. There are daffodils blooming, the redbud bush is blooming, some of the forsythia are beginning to pop, wild onions are popping up all over the yard, including through the leaves yet to be mulched, and Chelsey's nose is responding to this outburst of spring. I love that the days are growing longer, and they are beginning to warm a bit, but the nights are still quite chilly! I am definitely not a cold weather person, and I'm always so excited as the signs of spring begin to appear......even poor Chelsey's sneezes. I pray one day the Lord will relieve her of her allergies.

It has been an amazingly busy last couple of weeks with my parents. Between the two of them, there have been doctor appointments everyday for 2 weeks except Tuesday of this week. Some are general, others are very specific. It is a new season, when the tables are turned, and we begin to care for the two people who have taken care of us through our lives. In many ways you can see similarities between caring for them and caring for a small child, but the one difference is that they "know" and a child doesn't "know" the things of living. It has to be a whole different level of thinking, of being sad, of many new frustrations.

So in the days when things are coming out new again, there is a lot of growing old that is happening at the same time. God is amazing when you think about some of these things that He created.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Quick Update

My week is jammed.....busy with Chelsey and with my dad.....if you think about him, please pray for him. He has had a hole open up in his cornea, and if the current treatment doesn't work, he will have to have a transplant. This would be about the 14th eye surgery he has had, he can't see very well at all anymore and is just weary of all of the doctors and surgeries and eye drops and everything. Thanks folks!