Monday, February 18, 2008

Tagged by Marge.....

I've been tagged!!!!! I'm not sure if I have answers to goes:

5 places I'd like to see some day:

1. Heaven

2. Italy

3. Greece

4. See.....I'm already drawing a blank!!!!

5. ???????

Places I'd like to see again:

1. Jamaica

2. Black Mountain

3. Sunset Beach

4. Key West

5. ???????

I'm sure I'll think of some other places, but that's as good as it gets for now.


Marge said...

Robin, I think you need to get out of town more often! Oh, and sorry for putting you through this torture!

skisgirl said...

Now Robin, that isn't fair....
You make us look so "un-spiritual." I thought that #1 is a given.

Marge said...

I guess I should have been specific - places "on Planet Earth" that you'd like to see! And you're right, Becky, that's exactly what I thought when I saw Robin's list. I thought, "Gee, I should've said that." Is my pride showing?