Saturday, November 1, 2008

You know....not a lot to post about lately.....

Life is pretty much the same day to day. God is busy doing some refining work in my heart in an area or two! Of that fact, I am grateful! Life is still super, ubber busy these days, but next week my hours of working are decreasing, and I'm excited that I'll have a bit more time to fit a few more things that I've been missing into my days. That is the kindness of the Lord! Today, Gene had a meeting at 8:30, Chelsey had a meeting at 9:30 and I had one at 9:00. Chelsey and I had the opportunity to go have breakfast together before our meetings, and we had a great time. I asked her if there were things about me that she had ever wanted to ask about or to know, but just hadn't for whatever reason. So it was a good time to share some past history with her, and even shock her a bit I think. I think she had never imagined that mom's past would be interesting in the least! The best part was just our time together -- something we haven't had the opportunity to do in a while with our busy days. I really like Saturday mornings!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like Saturday mornings too :P