Friday, December 7, 2007

Christmas Everywhere!

Tomorrow is the annual Christmas Gift Wrap Outreach in front of Toys 'R Us across from Concord Mills. I don't really know when the first outreach was, but we have been participating every year from year one. It is great fun. We are always busy and we meet many new people. It is so neat to see how people are moved that we would do this for free. I'm not sure how many actually ever come to church, but it is great to know that whether they do or not, the Lord used this small act of kindness to touch their lives. It is amazing how fast our 2-hour shift goes! Gene is greeting, Chelsey is greeting and then caroling, and I'll be wrapping gifts once again. I'm really looking forward to it, and althought the morning is supposed to be a bit chilly, it is supposed to be a beautiful day.

Once we finish our shift, we are going to go and get our Christmas tree. This has become our tradition of sorts. We pick it out,

get it home,

and Gene will put it in the stand. He and I will get the lights on the tree,

and then while we attend the leaders' banquet tomorrow night, Chelsey will decorate the tree (and anything else she can think of).

It is nice for me....just to be able to come home and ta-da.....decorated tree!

Now....this was last year's tree....but I'm sure this year will be equally as beautiful!

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