Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Busy Week & As Always....Lots to Think About

Day 2 of the blog! It is a busy week around here, but then again, there aren't many weeks that are not! This week just holds lots of preparation for a shower on Saturday, so that's my extra that makes the week a little more busy than normal. But there is grace for all of that as well! It is very kind of the Lord to have other things slow down a bit with there is something new and temporary to deal with at the present.

I've had 2 situations in the last week come up, some of it being asked for counsel. So I've had lots of thinking running around in my brain on the circumstances in others lives and how I can best serve them and seeking the Lord as to how He would have me speak into their lives. Both are very difficult situations that are easy for me to make judgement on, difficult to relate to and that puts me in a place where I absolutely have to wait on the Lord and seek good input from my husband along with the mountain of printed resources that might bring light and truth. It makes me realize just how dependent I am on the Lord for answers that don't come easy. While I'm eager to hear from the Lord, waiting patiently at His feet challenges me.

This was pretty interesting. My mom asked me if I would do a little bible study at their women of the church meeting in November. I didn't know what to think at first. And Gene reminded me what a great opportunity this would be to share with these women....all of whom are older women and many have been my teachers in the past. I don't know what I will do, but I'm confident that the Lord will show me something.....and I'll take suggestions too!

Now....back to the kitchen.....lots of goodies to make!

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