Friday, November 9, 2007

A "Becky" inspired repost ---

When I read Becky's post, or should I say re-post of her random things about herself, I was inspired to "do better" on my own post of 8 random things about myself (although some I might keep) here goes.

1. Born and raised in Charlotte....the only place I ever moved was to college!

2. In first grade I hated school because I couldn't be home with my mom and do all the fun stuff and go all the fun places that we used to before school.

3. When I was in elementary school, I fell off a bike and knocked out my front teeth (permanent) -- the dentist LOVED me!

4. I met first met Gene when I was 12....that means we have known each other for almost 38 years! You do the math!

5. My first job was in a toy store.

6. Do any of you remember leg wrestling? I was the champ in our youth group, and could even throw the advisors!

7. I didn't know what to major in when I was in college, so I majored in psychology.

8. I worked for 10 years as a systems analyst for a computer company.